You must be 18 years or older to order our products. All information supplied on this site, via its products, or in other communication is for educational purposes only and does not constitute specific advice on any subject. Premium Spores official advises all potential customers to check their national laws before placing an order. We do not want to induce anyone to act in conflict with their national law. We cannot be held responsible for those who do.

Our Psilocybe Genera (Exotic) spores are for MICROSCOPY AND IDENTIFICATION purposes only please.

The spores contained in our syringes are for microscopy inspection ONLY!

Many of these strains and species, when grown, can be both harmful if consumed and illegal to grow or possess. We certify that we don’t condone or accept any responsibility for any illegal acts whatsoever.

Premium Spores official in no way promotes or endorses any use of these spores, for anything other than microscopy observation.

By ordering from this site you certify that you are 18 years of age or older, and assume full responsibility for the use to which these products are used.

Ordering Restrictions:
Premium Spores official requires all customers to be over the age of 18 to purchase any material from our online catalog. Proof of age may be required, or proof of adult permission obtained if we suspect an order is placed by a minor. We are very sorry if this causes any problems for those wishing to purchase our goods, but if you are under the age of 18, we ask you get your parents written consent to buy goods from our catalog.

If you have any doubt about whether you can purchase these spores, please contact us to discuss your concerns.